Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Introduction OKU Parking System Using RFID

OKU Parking System Using RFID developed to ensure facilities parking site for OKU person. Technology Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) got their component such as tag, reader and controller. This system operates when the non disabled people park in the OKU parking. The RIFD reader will detect the tag number attached from the car. When non disabled people park at the OKU parking reader will read the tags and communicate result to the database. The reader will automatically sound. This system also comes together with the RFID technology.

Our Product is OKU Parking System Using RFID

Description of Product......

The product name is OKU Parking System Using RFID. Also provide RFID technology and tag label for the disabled people. This system operates when the non disabled people park in the OKU parking. The RIFD reader will detect the tag number attached from the car. When non disabled people park at the OKU parking reader will read the tags and communicate result to the database. The reader will automatically sound

  • User-Friendly System
    OKU Parking System Using Sensor are user-friendly system. This is because nobody who did not have knowledge in information technology can use this system. User manual will also be included with the system.
  • Interactive
    The system has an interactive graphic design and pattern. Design and color of the system will follow the customer request. Smart System Company will make sure the system definitely follow the customer requirement.
  • OKU secure parking
    To ensure that OKU person have their own parking space with the OKU Parking System using RFID. This system will prevent non disabled form the OKU parking.

Importance of OKU Parking

Parking spaces reserved for OKU persons is larger (width) compared to general parking. Did you know the importance and the reason that the disabled parking area wider?

This is because the OKU person to open the car door fully so that a person can move into or out of the car. A wheelchair user to open the doors as widely as possible so he can remove the wheel chair and moved from car seat to wheelchair. The same goes for vice versa. In addition to wheelchair users, some other physical disabilities also need to open the car door as widely as possible to enter or exit the car. For example, those who use crutch they can not bend the legs and so forth. Thus, the OKU person are needed more parking area. No OKU parking is more spacious OKU drivers do not get out of the car. This then causes them not to visit the places they go or a walk in a place.

OKU Parking Specification

OKU car parking must be sized at least 4800mm long and 3600mm wide, which is one half times the normal size. Car parking should also have a flat surface. OKU car parking should be located near the entrance of a building, elevator or pedestrians. This is important to facilitate the movement of OKU persons as well as ensuring their safety is guaranteed. If the floor height difference between the car park to the entrance of a building or pedestrian, step ramp should be provided. This is very important to ensure that the OKU, particularly wheelchair users can directly access the building or area in which they went.